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View through Conversion


View-through conversion (VTC) describe a conversion that occurs after a user sees an ad but does not click on it.

What is View through Conversion?

View-through conversion (VTC) is a term used in social media advertising to describe a conversion that occurs after a user sees an ad but does not click on it. Instead, the user converts at a later time by taking an action such as making a purchase or filling out a form.

VTC is tracked using cookies or pixels, which are small pieces of code placed on a user's device that track their activity. When a user sees an ad, the cookie or pixel registers the impression and tracks whether the user converts at a later time.

VTC is important because it allows advertisers to measure the effectiveness of their ads even when users don't click on them.

For example, if an advertiser runs an ad for a new product and a user sees the ad but doesn't click on it, but later goes to the website and makes a purchase, this would be a view-through conversion.

VTC is especially important for social media advertising because users often scroll through their feeds quickly and may not always click on ads, but may still be influenced by them.

By tracking VTC, advertisers can get a better understanding of how their ads are performing and adjust their strategies accordingly.

It's worth noting that VTC is not the same as click-through conversion, which occurs when a user clicks on an ad and immediately converts. While click-through conversion is more direct and easier to track, VTC can still be a valuable metric for measuring the success of social media advertising campaigns.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between conversion and view through conversion?

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