What are Conversions by Campaign?
When a user completes the call to action set by you after clicking on your ad for a particular campaign this action is called Conversions by Campaign.
Ad Conversions by campaign Formula
ƒ Count(Ad Conversions for that campaign)
How do we calculate Conversions by Campaign?
Let’s suppose we have a campaign 1 called Lead search 1.
It received 5 conversions on day 1, 8 conversions on day 2, 7 conversions on day 3.
So total conversions for the Lead Search campaign will be 20.
Let’s suppose we have campaign 2 called Lead Search 2.
It received 4 conversions on day 1, 3 conversions on day 2, 8 conversions on day 3.
So total conversions for the Lead Search campaign will be 15.
We can observe that Conversions in campaign 1 are greater than campaign 2.
With the conversion by campaign metric you can compare which campaigns are converting better and optimise the less converting ones.
Why is Conversions by Campaign important?
Conversion by campaigns helps take optimization decisions. By conversion by campaign metric you can determine ads in which campaigns are converting better and ads in which campaigns need to be optimised for conversions.