
No code Salesforce Dashboard with more power to you

Connect your Salesforce account with Dataflo and easily visualize KPIs like, Deals in the pipeline, Average Contract Value, Lead-to-Opportunity Ratio, Opportunity-to-Close Ratio and more.

How does Salesforce Dashboard work?

Salesforce Dashboard lets you present important KPIs and metrics side by side using dashboard components.

Dashboard components come in a variety of chart types and you can customize how data is grouped, summarized, and displayed for each component

Each dashboard component has a source report and visual report. The drag and drop interface is intuitive for building a dashboard from a source report.

The two default Salesforce dashboards are

Sales and Marketing Dashboards help sales and marketing professionals monitor the state of their campaigns, leads, and business opportunities.

Customer service Dashboards enable people with different support and service roles to track customer requests for their organization and agency, including trends and KPIs

How does Salesforce Dashboard work?

Salesforce Dashboard lets you present important KPIs and metrics side by side using dashboard components.

Dashboard components come in a variety of chart types and you can customize how data is grouped, summarized, and displayed for each component

Each dashboard component has a source report and visual report. The drag and drop interface is intuitive for building a dashboard from a source report.

Key metrics to measure on Salesforce Dashboard


Your leads are your most valuable assets. They're people who are interested in your product or service and might be interested in becoming customers. Converting them to loyal customers will provide success within a business.

Open Deals

It's a lead who is ready to buy right now, but not yet convinced that it's the right time or place for them—but they have questions and are willing to listen. They don't just want your product or service; they want answers to their questions first

Deals won

In Salesforce, the “Deals Won” function is a way of categorizing your sales as 100% closed and completed. This allows you to move on to the next sale without having to worry about whether or not you're closing well.

Visit all Salesforce Metrics from our MetricBase

The Complexity of Salesforce Dashboard

Report generation is so complex

Build a Salesforce Dashboard with Dataflo

Creating a Salesforce dashboard with Dataflo to get data insights is just a few clicks away. We bring your key metrics from your salesforce dashboard without you having to contact a developer. Simply login with your Salesforce username and password, and we'll take care of the rest.

No-code dashboard

If you are looking for a salesforce dashboard but do not want to spend hours setting it up, then Dataflo is your best bet, since no coding is needed, you can do it yourself and have more control.

Funnel Dashboard

In Dataflo allows you to identify your most valuable leads as they move through each stage of the buyer’s journey and prioritize them for closer follow-up.

Pipeline Dashboard

It helps to provide an interactive overview of your business sales data. This data includes the rate of conversion, lead generated, number of sales prospects, and other KPIs.

Favourite dashboard

In Dataflo enables you to add key metrics from other tools, all displayed in one place, so you can dive straight into data analysis.


Set goals for your metrics and monitor the progress against the target in real-time. Also, each goal can be assigned a goal owner.


Dataflo offers a comment feature on each metric so you can collaborate with your team members. You can leave comments, and tag a team member on a metric card.

Pre-set time ranges

Do you want to view your report for preset time ranges like last month, month till date, or year till date? Do it with one click on the Dataflo dashboard and get all the data populated for the selected time range.

Dashboard level segments

Use dashboard level segments to pull out the specific data aligned with your goal progress, like deals by geography, opportunities by geography, etc.

Salesforce + Dataflo + Slack

Value delivered right on your workspace


Connect your Dataflo Salesforce Dashboard with slack and get notified in your slack channel whenever you hit your target.


Schedule and configure the key metrics that you want to measure every day or week and receive them as a report card on your slack at the scheduled time.


Track KPIs and metrics has been made simpler with goal progress sent straight to your Slack channel.


Connect your Dataflo Salesforce Dashboard with slack and get notified in your slack channel whenever you hit your target.


Schedule and configure the key metrics that you want to measure every day or week and receive them as a report card on your slack at the scheduled time.


Track KPIs and metrics has been made simpler with goal progress sent straight to your Slack channel.

Integrate your Salesforce with other popular data services

Get an end to end view of your customer journey from one single place.