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11 Proven Strategies to Reduce Your Cost Per Conversion

Explore 11 strategies to lower your CPC and boost your marketing efficiency. Improve your campaign performance and drive profitable growth.
Pravinan Sankar
Pravinan Sankar
May 17, 2023
Reduce Your Cost Per Conversion
Reduce Your Cost Per Conversion

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In the fast-paced dynamics of the B2B SaaS industry, understanding and optimizing your business’s cost per conversion (CPC) is an essential step toward achieving sustainable growth.

As marketers and founders immersed in the complexities of this industry, they are constantly in pursuit of ways to reduce costs, boost conversions, and, eventually, drive profitability. 

However, before we delve into the 'how-tos' of CPC, let's first grasp the significance of 'why' it matters.

Picture this: You've drawn a potential customer to your site, intrigued them with your unique offerings, and convinced them to take the desired action. 

But the question arises, at what cost did this conversion happen? This is where CPC steps in. It measures how much your company spends to convert a prospect into a customer— a lower cost signals better efficiency and higher profitability. Simple, yet profound.

Let's put this into perspective with some industry-specific benchmarks. In 2023, the average Cost Per Lead (CPL) in the SaaS industry stands at $280 for paid channels and $147 for organic ones. Meanwhile, the Visitor to Lead Conversion Rate is 1.9%, and the Lead to MQL Conversion Rate is a promising 39%​.

Each of these figures forms a piece of the larger conversion puzzle, impacting the overall Cost Per Conversion (CPC) estimation. Gaining a nuanced understanding of these metrics and optimizing them can significantly reduce the CPC, thereby maximizing the return on every dollar you invest.

In this blog post, we’ll deep-dive into the metric CPC, discussing its significance, how to calculate it, what makes a good CPC, and most importantly, we will explore 11 proven strategies that can help you reduce cost per conversion in your business.

What is Cost Per Conversion and its Importance?

Cost Per Conversion (CPC) is a vital metric in digital marketing that quantifies the amount of money spent to convert a potential lead into a customer. It's a simple but powerful indicator that directly connects your marketing efforts to actual business outcomes—conversions

To calculate Cost Per Conversion (CPC), divide the total cost of your marketing efforts by the total number of conversions. 

Formula of Cost Per Conversion (CPC)
Formula of Cost Per Conversion (CPC)

For instance, let's say you have a budget of $1000 for a marketing campaign that generates 50 conversions; your Cost Per Conversion (CPC) would amount to $20 in this case.

But why is CPC so significant?

Well, the importance of CPC lies in its direct correlation to your return on investment (ROI). A lower CPC means you're spending less to acquire each customer, which in turn translates to a higher ROI. It's an immediate insight into the efficiency of your marketing campaigns, providing a clear view of your profitability.

Identifying campaigns with lower CPCs can help you allocate more budget to those initiatives that convert leads more cost-effectively. On the flip side, if a campaign has a high CPC, it might be an indication that you need to optimize your approach or potentially re-evaluate the campaign.

Managing and optimizing CPC becomes even more critical in the B2B SaaS industry, where Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is a crucial metric for sustainability and growth. The lower the CPC, the lower the CAC will be, allowing for more sustainable scaling of your business.

Comparing your CPC to industry benchmarks allows you to gauge your performance against competitors and can help you stay competitive. If your CPC is significantly higher than the industry average, it could be a sign that your competitors are doing something more effectively and may indicate areas for improvement. 

How Do You Calculate Cost Per Conversion (CPC)?

Calculating your Cost Per Conversion (CPC) involves a relatively simple process that relies on two key data points: the total marketing cost and the total number of conversions attained.

Here's a step-by-step process to calculate CPC:

Step 1: Define Your Total Marketing Cost

The total marketing cost includes all the expenditures associated with your marketing efforts. This could encompass various elements such as:

  • Advertising spend: The cost incurred for running advertisements on platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, LinkedIn Ads, etc.
  • Content creation: The cost of creating blogs, social media posts, videos, or any other content used in your marketing campaigns.
  • Tools and software: The cost of using marketing automation tools, CRM software, analytics platforms, etc.
  • Marketing team: The salaries and overhead costs associated with your marketing team.

Ensure you capture all costs associated with your marketing to get an accurate picture.

Step 2: Identify the Total Number of Conversions

The total number of conversions represents the number of desired actions taken by potential customers. These actions could be diverse depending on your business and campaign goals. They might include:

  • Making a purchase
  • Signing up for a free trial or demo
  • Filling out a contact form
  • Downloading an eBook or whitepaper
  • Subscribing to a newsletter

Your conversion count will depend on the specific goals you've set for your campaign.

Step 3: Divide the Total Marketing Cost by Total Conversions

Once you've determined your total marketing cost and total conversions, you can calculate your CPC by dividing the former by the latter. The result is the average amount you're spending to obtain each conversion.

Cost Per Conversion (CPC) = Total Marketing Cost / Total Number of Conversions

It's important to note that while CPC provides a snapshot of your campaign's efficiency, it doesn't paint the complete picture of your campaign's success. Other metrics, such as customer lifetime value (CLV), can provide more insight into the profitability of each conversion.

Seeking the latest on business KPIs and metrics? Check out MetricBase—your go-to resource for all things SaaS. Dive into data, soak up strategies, and stay ahead in the SaaS space.

If you're keen to stay up-to-date on various business KPIs and metrics, take a look at MetricBase—your go-to resource for all things SaaS. Dive into 100+ metrics, industry benchmarks, and data-driven insights to enhance your understanding and application of key SaaS metrics.

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Forget juggling multiple platforms. Dataflo's paid attribution feature precisely traces the customer journey from the first interaction to conversion. Identify your best-performing channels, sources, and campaigns, and strategize with confidence.

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What is a Good Cost Per Conversion (CPC)?

Determining what constitutes a 'good' Cost Per Conversion (CPC) involves various factors, such as the type of industry, business model, products or services, and profit margins. 

In the B2B SaaS industry, for instance, the benchmark for CPC can vary widely depending on factors like the price of the product or service, the sales cycle length, and the customer lifetime value (LTV). 

If your product or service has a high price point and a high LTV, you might be willing to accept a higher CPC because each conversion brings significant revenue.

However, here are some specific parameters that can help you gauge whether your CPC is on the right track.

Industry Standards: Understanding industry benchmarks can provide a good starting point. In the B2B SaaS space, the average cost per lead can range from $100 to $300, depending on the complexity and price of the software product. It's essential to research and understand these benchmarks, but remember, they are averages and might not directly apply to your specific business context.

Lifetime Value (LTV) of a Customer: If the LTV of your customers is high, you can afford to have a higher CPC, knowing that the customer will generate significant revenue over time. The rule of thumb here is that your CPC should always be significantly lower than your customer's LTV.

Business Growth and Goals: Your business's stage and specific growth goals can also influence what a 'good' CPC is for you. Startups looking for rapid growth might be willing to accept a higher CPC initially to attract more customers quickly, while more established businesses might focus on optimizing their CPC for profitability.

Profit Margins: Your profit margin plays a vital role in determining a good CPC. If your profit margins are high, you might be able to afford a higher CPC and still maintain profitability. Conversely, if your margins are low, you'll need to strive for a lower CPC to ensure you're not overspending to acquire new customers.

Given all these variables, a 'good' CPC is essentially one that enables you to achieve your business objectives—whether that's growth, profitability, or a combination of both—while delivering a return on investment that aligns with your financial goals. 

Continuous monitoring and optimization of Cost Per Conversion (CPC) have to be an integral part of your marketing strategy. It allows you to make necessary optimizations based on evolving business requirements and market conditions, ensuring optimal effectiveness and efficiency in your marketing efforts.

11 Tips on Reducing Cost Per Conversion (CPC)

Here are 11 powerful tips that can help you reduce your CPC and elevate your marketing efficiency.

Tips on Reducing Cost Per Conversion (CPC)
Tips on Reducing Cost Per Conversion (CPC)

Each of these tips offers unique benefits and, when combined, can significantly reduce your CPC and improve the overall success of your marketing campaigns. Let's delve deeper into each one of these strategies.

Optimize Landing Pages

The landing page is the first point of contact between your potential customer and your business. It's crucial to make sure that this page is fully optimized, not just for search engines but, more importantly, for user experience.

Relevance: Ensure that your landing page content aligns with your ad. If a user clicks on an ad for a specific product or service, they should be taken directly to a page about that product or service, not a general home page.

Simplicity: Keep the design and copy on your landing page clear and concise. Too much information or clutter can confuse or distract visitors, causing them to leave before converting.

Call-to-Action (CTA): Each landing page should have a clear and compelling CTA. Whether it's to purchase a product, fill out a contact form, or sign up for a newsletter, make sure visitors know exactly what action they should take next.

Page Load Speed: Slow loading times can lead to high bounce rates. Optimize the website's page load speed by compressing images, reducing server response times, and minimizing the use of scripts and plugins.

Use Targeted Keywords

Keyword targeting plays a significant role in the success of your ad campaigns. Using the right keywords can attract more qualified leads, thereby increasing your conversion rates and reducing your CPC.

Keyword Research: Use tools like Google's Keyword Planner to find keywords relevant to your business. Look for keywords with a high search volume and low competition.

Long-Tail Keywords: These keyword phrases are longer and more specific, commonly used by visitors who are closer to the point of making a purchase. They often have less competition and are more cost-effective compared to shorter, generic keywords.

Location-Based Keywords: If your business is location-specific, use keywords that include your city or region. This can attract more local leads who are more likely to convert.

Improve Ad Quality

Google uses Quality Score, a metric that rates the quality and keywords relevance and Pay Per Click (PPC) ads, to determine your CPC and the ad ranking in the ad auction process. Improving the quality of your ads can lead to a higher Quality Score, lower CPC, and better ad positions.

Relevance: Make sure your ads are relevant to the primary keywords you are targeting and the landing pages they lead to.

Ad Copy: Write compelling ad copy that incorporates your targeted keywords. A strong headline and clear, persuasive text can improve your click-through rate (CTR).

Ad Extensions: Use ad extensions to offer additional information and increase the visibility of your ads. This can include contact information, links to specific pages on your website, additional text, and more.

Use Negative Keywords

Negative keywords prevent the ads from showing up for irrelevant search queries. By filtering out unqualified leads, they can help you focus on the keywords that matter most to your audience.

Identify Irrelevant Queries: Review the search terms report in your Google Ads account to find irrelevant queries that are triggering your ads.

Add Negative Keywords: Add these irrelevant queries as negative keywords. This approach will prevent your ads from showing up for these searches in the future.

Regular Maintenance: Regularly review and update your negative keywords list to ensure your ads are always reaching the most relevant audience.

Use Retargeting

Retargeting, also termed as remarketing, is a powerful strategy to keep your brand at the forefront of your potential customers' minds and encourage them to complete a conversion.

Audience Segmentation: Not all visitors to your site are the same, so your retargeting efforts shouldn't be either. Segment the audience based on their behavior on your site and target them with personalized ads.

Timing and Frequency: Timing is crucial when it comes to retargeting. You want to catch users while their interest is still high. Also, be mindful of ad frequency to avoid overwhelming your audience.

Compelling Offers: Use special offers or discounts in your retargeting ads to entice users back to your site and incentivize them to complete a conversion.

Test Ad Variations

Running different versions of your ads allows you to compare and analyze which ones perform best. This practice, known as A/B testing, can help you optimize your ads for better results.

Elements to Test: Consider testing various components of your ad, such as the headline, description, call-to-action, display URL, and even the overall design of the ad.

Data Analysis: Use the data from your tests to understand what resonates with your audience. Apply your findings to improve future ads.

Continuous Testing: Remember, testing should be an ongoing process. As you gain more insights and as trends and customer preferences change, continually test and adjust your ads accordingly.

Use Ad Scheduling

Ad scheduling, also known as dayparting, allows you to specify when you want your ads to be displayed. This can help ensure that your ads reach your audience at the most optimal times.

Identify Peak Times: Use your analytics data to point out when your audience is most active and highly likely to convert. Schedule your ads to run during these peak times.

Test and Adjust: As with other strategies, it's essential to test your ad scheduling and adjust as necessary. Monitor your ad performance to identify any patterns and make changes accordingly.

Consider Time Zones: When scheduling your ads, consider the diverse time zones of your audience. This ensures that your ads are displayed optimally for maximum reach and engagement.

Improve Website Speed

Website speed is a cruicial factor in user experience. Slow-loading websites can frustrate users, leading to higher bounce rates and fewer conversions.

Page Speed Insights: Use tools like Google's PageSpeed Insights to analyze your website's speed and identify improvement areas.

Optimization Techniques: Techniques for improving website speed can include compressing images, minifying CSS, JavaScript, and HTML, reducing redirects, and leveraging browser caching.

Mobile Optimization: In light of the growing use of mobile devices for web browsing, it is crucial to prioritize fast loading times for your website on these devices as well.

Simplify Checkout Process

A complicated or lengthy checkout process can deter potential customers and lead to abandoned carts. Simplifying this process can increase conversions and reduce your CPC.

Guest Checkout: Not every customer wants to create an account. Providing a guest checkout option can significantly reduce friction during the checkout process.

Fewer Steps: Try to reduce the number of steps needed to complete a purchase. The quicker and easier it is to checkout, the higher the likelihood customers will successfully complete their purchase.

Transparent Pricing: Unexpected costs are a common reason for cart abandonment. Be upfront about all costs, including shipping and taxes, to avoid unpleasant surprises at checkout.

Multiple Payment Options: Providing various payment options can cater to different customer preferences and facilitate a smoother checkout process.

Focus on High-Converting Channels

Not all marketing channels are created equal. Some may yield higher conversion rates than others. Focusing your efforts on these high-converting channels can help reduce your CPC.

Analyze Performance by Channel: Evaluate the performance of your marketing campaigns across different channels and analyze metrics like Conversions by Campaign. This could include social media, email marketing, organic search, paid search, and more.

Allocate Budget Accordingly: Once you've identified your high-converting channels, allocate more of your budget to these areas. This doesn't mean completely ignoring other channels, but rather optimizing your spending for the best return.

Optimize Channel-Specific Strategies: Each channel has its own best practices for optimization. Make sure you're leveraging these to maximize your conversions on each channel.

Monitor and Adjust Campaigns

Maintaining optimal performance and achieving a lower CPC relies heavily on the continuous monitoring and adjustment of your campaigns.

Regular Performance Checks: Whether daily, weekly, or monthly, performing regular checks on your campaign performance is crucial. This allows you to identify any emerging trends or areas of concern. The frequency of these checks will depend on your business’s nature and your campaign's specifics.

Adjust Based on Performance: Once you've gathered your performance data, don't hesitate to use these insights to your advantage. Make necessary adjustments, which may involve tweaking your ad copy, altering your bid strategy, or changing your target audience. All these can help optimize your campaign's performance and ultimately reduce your CPC.

Leverage Automation: Today's advanced digital ecosystem offers numerous automation tools that are engineered to monitor and seamlessly track your campaigns.

Platforms like Dataflo provide features like real-time performance tracking, and automatic reporting and serve as a central hub for all your marketing data across various platforms, including Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads.

It consolidates data onto a visually-appealing, intuitive dashboard, providing a holistic view of your marketing performance across multiple channels in one single dashboard.

Dataflo's paid attribution feature provides invaluable insights into the performance of your paid marketing channels, allowing you to clearly understand which campaigns, platforms, or ads are driving the most conversions and enabling you to optimize your marketing budget effectively for maximum ROI.


Enhancing your Cost Per Conversion (CPC) is more than a single one-and-done campaign configuration. 

It's a proactive process that requires ongoing observation, experimentation, and course correction based on performance data. 

Every measure—from refining your landing pages and incorporating targeted keywords to focusing on high-performing channels—carries weight in decreasing your CPC and strengthening your overall marketing efficacy.

In the intricate terrain of digital marketing, utilizing automation tools like Dataflo's Marketing Dashboard can substantially streamline your campaign monitoring and optimization processes.

With real-time data tracking, automated reporting, and a unified marketing dashboard, Dataflo equips you to swiftly respond to performance trends and make data-driven decisions. 

Through the strategic use of smart tools and the adoption of the right strategies, you can maximize the return on every dollar invested, further propelling your business's growth. So, explore Dataflo's Marketing Dashboard and take your campaign management to the next level. 

Your most cost-effective conversion is just around the corner. Happy Optimizing!

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Pravinan is a physicist turned writer who's currently wearing the marketer's hat. A tech enthusiast by nature and an avid non-fiction books reader, he loves to explore the world around him and always keep learning new things. When he's not working on his latest project, he likes to spend his time writing Tamil poetry or finding out more about organic farming.

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What is a good cost-per-conversion rate for my industry?
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How can I boost the ad quality score to lower the cost per conversion?
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Pravinan is a physicist turned writer who's currently wearing the marketer's hat. A tech enthusiast by nature and an avid non-fiction books reader, he loves to explore the world around him and always keep learning new things. When he's not working on his latest project, he likes to spend his time writing Tamil poetry or finding out more about organic farming.

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